Pedalando pelo Clima

Pedalando pelo Clima

História de uma participante de um coletivo que produz conteúdo sobre a crise climática através de viagens de bicicleta, registrando depoimentos de pessoas que estão na linha de frente dos territórios impactados. No texto é abordada a história da cicloviagem realizada para documentar os dez anos da maior tragédia climática do Brasil.

The Fight for Carpenter Park

"Every season presented a different challenge. In the summer, I removed the endless tendrils of porcelain berry from the shade of the trees, while in the winter, removing the wisteria before the weather started getting warm again was the goal. To adapt, my eyes became alert to the most elusive invading plants, sneaking up in the brush, while my hands became more adept with the tools."

Forest In The Stomach

Food is vital for survival, so making money of it comes with a sweet feeling knowing one can pay bills easily. The rural livelihood is always linked to the forest, putting the forest at the expense of risk. Should we eat at the forest's expense? Or, should the forest be preserved while the people starve? This is the current situation that has put the Indigenous people of Onigambari forest reserve communities in Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria, in a dilemma over the past years of their existence.

Forest in the stomach is about actions that balance both forest and farming to coexist together in an environmentally sustainable manner.

My Water Friend

This story revolves around María, an intro-extroverted city girl interested in animals. During a forced trip, María detected an injustice towards her parents, which caused her great impotence, in this way Omega was born, her imaginary friend in the shape of a cow and made entirely of water. Omega gives her the key to be able to help her community, however, events change the direction in which María wants to do justice.

An Arid of Affliction

An Arid of Affliction

11-year-old girl's terrific and memorable experience in an arid land that painfully yet beautifully shaped her destiny. Literally wild yet softened her and her peers to redeem and restore what is left of her source and her roots. A wild journey of restoring and renewing.

We Can Heal Nature

We Can Heal Nature

Through recognition of feminine qualities and values, we can start to create a different world, and by re-learning and re-thinking the meaning of peace and cooperation in relationships, with your girlfriend, mother, sister, neighbour; to start increasing woman potential and therefore human potential. Let us stop judging one another and start focusing on the need of nature, the planet and the call of the time.



de Nkolo Ayissi Victor Rodrigue


Je suis Monsieur NKOLO AYISSI Victor Rodrigue, née le 15 Septembre 1988 à NKOLFEP dans le Département de la LEKIE, Région du Centre Cameroun. Autodidacte, j'investis mes talents artistiques comme consultant dessinateur-illustrateur-bédéiste et innovateur dans des Institutions gouvernementales, Fondations et des ONG, dans le cadre des projets visant à sensibiliser et à soutenir les objectifs du développement durable(ODD). J’identifie également des opportunités là où les jeunes de mon âge ne voient que des obstacles et crises, raison pour laquelle j’ai décidé de dessiner et d’innover autrement en m’engageant pour la planète via le projet d’innovation (ABSORBER-CLEANER). Je compte à mes actives 13 années d’expérience atypique dans le domaine de l’Art et du design.

Environmental Activism and the Search for Inspiration

Environmental Activism and the Search for Inspiration

Hello, I am Salman from Iraq. I always believe that the strength of the presence of the two rivers in Iraq is from the Sumerian stretch from the far south of the marshes of Iraq towards the north of the Mesopotamian Valley. We pushed hard for everyone's right to have access to water. The right to the environment and water is one of the most prominent and most important rights that we believe in.

Adios, Maria Clara (Goodbye, Maria Clara)

My story is based on my experience with local Seattle Non-profit, Earth Corps where we worked on hands-on environmental restoration with youths from the U.S and all over the world.

Organic Farming and Agroforestry

Organic Farming and Agroforestry

There is a need for the community to move away from short term solutions with negative impacts on the environment, and instead embrace solutions that are from nature itself and nature friendly when it comes to agriculture. At The Polly Foundation, we are training farmers to adopt the use of natural products that they can easily access either at no cost or less cost to help them in farming.

Environmental Mentorship Program

Environmental Mentorship Program

NatureKit offers environmental leadership program to youths aged 15 to 25 on issues regarding climate change, plastic pollution, deforestation, wildlife conservation, environmental activism and conservation of endangered mammals. The mentored youth then offer environmental education and awareness to schools and communities.