local community

Narratives of Change: Saving millions of Trees from an Axe in Kiryandongo, Uganda

"How using electricity to cook could save millions of trees from an Axe " is a non fiction story. It is a story based on the reality that is facing people in Kiryandongo currently. It about how we can tap Uganda's growing electricity capacity to mitigate climate change that is facing the residents of my village kinyara I and kiryandongo at large. It is about how fast climate change is happening in my village and the challenges it presents inform of loss of trees to charcoal and firewood. Charcoal and fire are our energy for cooking in this part of the world. This story is also about how residents in my village are not able to access Charcoal and firewood again due to depletion. This story also delves into how residents could tap into Uganda's huge electricity to change the narrative.