Europe and Central Asia

From the tundra of Greenland, extending all the way through Spain, Italy, and the Balkans, passing by the mountains of Central Asia and ending in the enormous territories of Russia, Europe & Central Asia is a highly diverse region, with many challenges as well as opportunities.
More than 160 languages are spoken in the region
More than 10 biodiversity hotspots
Our team engages with youth across Europe & Central Asia, through event organization, advocacy, storytelling, campaigning, and partnerships.
If you are interested in collaborating with our region, kindly be in touch with Raysa França, the Regional Director:
STORIES FROM YOUTH IN Europe & Central Asia
Filmed in a day, this interview-style documentary was made to highlight and amplify local people on a mission to save a PAWS site called Oaken Woods. The woodland is privately owned and is currently being threatened by the expansion of the neighbouring Gallagher's Hermitage Quarry. "Friends of Oaken Wood" are campaigning to preserve and protect the woodlands for nature, for locals and to fight climate change.
Yazan, a Cubs leader in Sheffield, UK, organises a session about biodiversity loss and climate change. He brings a character named Bojo, who claims to have time-travelled from the future, to engage the cubs in creating a habitat for worms and bacteria. Through this fun activity, Yazan teaches the cubs about their responsibility to protect nature and act as role models in their communities.
In the middle of Europe, there is a small village where birds and farmers live peacefully side by side. Where sustainable and win-win farming has been proven to exist, and where humans and wildlife work together to heal ecosystem wounds.
For those who sort garbage: how Ecotaxi works in Cherkasy. In Cherkasy, to teach people to sort garbage, created a project "Ecotaxi", says the initiator Alyona Ostapenko. The waste that Cherkasy will hand over in this way will then be recycled. "Taxi" collects sorted plastic, paper, glass and metal. It works as follows: you call, negotiate, come to you and pick up sorted waste for free.
This is my narration of the chronicle of the region where I come from, the Afrin. Afrin was a peaceful city in northern Syria that turned from a sustainable city into a war zone. The olive tree was the centre of our livelihoods, our traditional Kurdish practices, and our ecosystems. Peace was kept until 2018 when Afrin was invaded. After the invasion, not only a deep humanitarian crisis arose but also an environmental one.
The discovery of traditional, natural remedies through my grandma’s stories. The heritage of traditional knowledge of medicines can help us recover from common flues and colds. Increase respect and knowledge of nature, biocultural diversity, and our bodies. Join me in discovering nature's mysteries.
I am Nature too. It is the Quintessence of Me: A brief but life-changing experience in the Swedish autumn forest.
With Worldrise we have launched the campaign 30x30Italy, aiming to get 30% of the Italian Mediterranean Sea to be fully protected by 2030.


The #SpringofHopeY4N campaign was created with the goal of acting around a hopeful and green future in Europe. After all, Spring always comes for us!
Meet the team!
Y4N Role: Global Ambassador
Location: Brasil/Italy
Y4N Role: Global Ambassador
Location: Netherlands
Y4N Role: Policy Taskforce Co-Lead
Location: France
Y4N Role: Global Ambassador
Location: Nigeria
Interested in partnering with the Europe & Central Asia team?
Raysa França, our regional director for Europe & Central Asia, is always excited to discuss partnerships!
Be part of our team!
We have a call for volunteers open. Here you may find the link to the application form.