On the Way of Resilience With the Baobabs / Sur Le Chemin de la Résilience Avec Les Baobabs

On the Way of Resilience With the Baobabs / Sur Le Chemin de la Résilience Avec Les Baobabs

The story’s setting is a village in the Menabe region of central-western Madagascar. Affectionately called “the Land of Baobabs”, it is also unfortunately the land of slash-and-burn agriculture. Tahina, an agronomist and forester, believes firmly that soil is the core ingredient of a resilient and sustainable relationship between the local communities and their landscape. He journeys to meet his friend Bendray, a farmer-ranger and together they launch an initiative called “Taniala Regenerative Camp”. This initiative contributes to the regeneration of soils and ecosystems through permaculture design, agroecology, agroforestry and ecological restoration.

Safeguarding Sri Lankan Indigenous community “veddhas”

Sri Lankan forests are the home of Veddah indigenous community, and also forests are the home of 7800 species of flora and over 15,000 species of fauna. So undoubtedly protecting veddahs means conservation of Sri Lankan biodiversity and environment

Conservation as Reimagination: Navigating Pansipit River

Conservation as Reimagination: Navigating Pansipit River

Some conversations and act upon musings on development, forgetfulness and reclaiming of a freshwater river called Pansipit.

Stepping Into Stewardship

Stepping Into Stewardship

In today's world, where technical solutions are placed as the only saviors to the planet's ecological and climate crises, Stepping into Stewardship explores our deeper relationship and participation with the rest of nature, and how we might start to understand humanity's imperative role in the ecology of life in the Arabian Peninsula and beyond.

The Thirsty Fisherman

This is a story of a naturally endowed region of Nigeria, a state likened to a proverbial food basket in which the carrier is starving. It is a short submission of how human activities have through cultural practices inflicted harm on the natural environment (biodiversity). Included in this story is the need to reverse the negative trends and review steps towards achieving sustainable and harmless biodiversity.

Impact of Climate Change in Agriculture

Climate Change is a global issue today. Among different sectors being affected by climate change, Agriculture is the prominent field affected by a change in climate in Nepal. Furthermore, Nepal is one of the fourth most vulnerable countries hit by climate change. In such a scenario, it is obvious that climate change has adversely affected Agriculture Sector. So for this, a developing country like Nepal need to adapt Conservation Agriculture Practices over the traditional method of farming that can cope with change in climate by taking the perspective of women towards Agriculture. Why women?? It's because more than 50% of farmers are female, they are the backbone of development of Agriculture Sector. So, it's high time we need to raise the voice of women towards nature by involving them in Conservation Agriculture Practices. There is no Climate Justice until and unless there is no Gender Justice.

Memoir From A Troubled Land

Memoir From A Troubled Land, is a fictional work that focuses on the life of a young lady, Chinelo, who lives in a community that is laced with various environmental problems, such as deforestation, plastic pollution. This story explores the role Chinelo plays in achieving climate justice in her own right. But, she has to live with the guilt of her actions for a long time. Also, this story highlights steps public office holders can take in ensuring a safe, and conducive environment in their respective communities.

Medicine Meets Nature

Medicine Meets Nature

The discovery of traditional, natural remedies through my grandma’s stories. The heritage of traditional knowledge of medicines can help us recover from common flues and colds. Increase respect and knowledge of nature, biocultural diversity, and our bodies. Join me in discovering nature's mysteries.

The Climate Crisis is a Privilege Crisis

Of typhoons, youth movements, privilege, and hypocrisy: a young Filipina's perspective on how the climate crisis is an inequality maximizer for developing countries.

Conservation Nature in Tanzania

Conservation Nature in Tanzania

From a very young age at the high school level, I had a strong passion for the environment. This is when I started to volunteer under the United nation school club. I continue to gain relevant experience at environmental projects and through wide-ranging involvement with youth environmental organizations, especially the Tanzania youth biodiversity network.

Why Are You Like That?

What would do you feel like if someone asked why you acted like you? This story delves into a facet of that question and shows how that question can let someone down and how they pick themselves up. It describes the intense and raw feelings of a lost girl. It also shows how one person's lessons and efforts can pick another person up.

Is She Lucky to Get Only Her Branches Chopped?

This story is about a schoolgirl and a tree beside her school. She enjoys the beauty of the tree from her classroom but one day the tree branches get chopped. Since the girl feels sad and also starts to feel the connection between humans and nature.

Introducing Next Generation Diplomacy

Next Generation Diplomacy seeks to promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals of clean water and sanitation, climate action, and life below water by connecting young community role models to other role models in communities around the world to share environmental cleanup ideas and environmental education resources.

LGBTQ: Hidden Victims of Climate Change

LGBTQ people face many forms of discrimination in their daily lives. The discrimination they face makes their life more miserable. Many Indians still think that being born as gay, lesbian or transgender is a sin. LGBTQ people are alienated. As we know, climate change is a big challenge. Climate change is affecting all living beings on earth but how is climate change affecting LGBTQ people? How did LGBTQ people become the hidden victims of climate change? Read the story and know the answer.

Caste and Climate Change

Caste and Climate Change

Caste-based discrimination affects more than 260 million Dalits worldwide who suffer from the hidden apartheid of segregation, exclusion and discrimination. Dalit women and girls are the most discriminated, systematically excluded and historically oppressed group in the sub-continent. Dalit women lag behind in most of the areas of human development indicators. Unequal access to resources and opportunities makes Dalit Women more socially vulnerable and frequently exposes them to the chance of being a victim to caste, class and gender-based violence. A woman’s caste in South Asia can increase her exposure to mortality as a result of factors such as poor sanitation and inadequate water supply and health care, says a report by the UN Women. It states that the average age of death for Dalit women is 14.6 years younger than for higher caste women. This story depicts how the historic, institutionalized and systemic oppression of Dalit women from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal will make them one of the most vulnerable, susceptible and high-risk targets in the changing climate.

When I Was A Child

The storyteller narrates his personal life growing up in a city once called the Garden City to his group of young Eco Warriors. He speaks of how his environment defined his culture and socialization as a kid. How nature and humanity co-existed in unity in his childhood days.



A contrast between the brutal violence nature can have in Rio de Janeiro in response to climate change, and the brutal truth young people are exposing in protests and strikes for the environment. "Puzzled" reflects about who are the young ones willing to stand up for the environment, what are the stories, fight strategies and the hopes of those who, if given the chance to be heard, can change the course of history simply by turning to nature.