The Global WarNing

Our first duty to the climate is education. Our story is a campaign for everyone to know what is needed to be done if we would reduce or stand a chance with the climate. It contains a song specially dedicated to climate change.

Tree Planting Kunliro Village Project

Community tree planting awareness campaign to support 150 households in Kunliro village to adopt a tree, plant a minimum of three different types of tree in their homes and surrounding areas, and nurture it till maturity because there is no single mature tree in their homes and surrounding areas.

Community Managed Natural Regeneration

CMNR is a low-cost, rapid and easily replicated approach to restoring and improving degraded lands. It is based on the systematic regrowth of existing trees or self-sworn seeds. It is managed and practised by a pastoralist community who have no knowledge of farming or agricultural practices. And is done on deforested areas and on lands that don't have fertile soil, a land that is majorly colonised with sand soil. It focuses on how a simple act of thinning and pruning can release the untapped energy of underground roots. It has increased the supply of a range of products like fodder and firewood and also has improved the communities livelihood by adopting other sources of income.

Ecosystem-Based Adaptation Policy In Sri Lanka

Although there are many climate nature conferences and events happening all over the world, ground-level actions are not satisfactory. Using local and indigenous knowledge systems in drafting policy is a good solution for it. This story is about an ecosystem-based adaptation method practised in Sri Lanka: the restoration of ancient tanks to combat climate change.

A Tale of Afrin

This is my narration of the chronicle of the region where I come from, the Afrin. Afrin was a peaceful city in northern Syria that turned from a sustainable city into a war zone. The olive tree was the centre of our livelihoods, our traditional Kurdish practices, and our ecosystems. Peace was kept until 2018 when Afrin was invaded. After the invasion, not only a deep humanitarian crisis arose but also an environmental one.


The story revolves around my hometown which was 20 years before which found clean and nature friendly. The fallen down areas of my village because ignorance of environment and the nostalgic memories I along with my friends have experienced in my lifetime. Certain steps we decides to take after these 20 years standing amongst the youth of our world.

Half Winning Against Desertification

For many years, Saudi Arabia's natural landscape has been suffering from desertification, which is causing an increased incidence of sandstorms, a decrease in the number of species, and most importantly, a major cause of climate change. All these problems have one simple solution in common, stop cutting trees. The government and individuals both are contributing to stopping the desertification and increasing the vegetation but is it enough?

The Witness, the Perpetrator, the Healer

This is a walk through the writer's work-journal; a heartfelt exposition of her beginnings and processes in the field of environmental care and advocacy. Siting southern Nigeria and a northern region, she talks through the lenses of the land, the inhabitants and the government.

NEW BEGINNING Project - Eyoon Shabah Organization

New beginning is a project aimed at promoting and maintaining Social youth Development. What the project mainly stands for and hopes to eventually succeed in achieving is creating a new concept of living and coexistence amongst various categories in the society. That is, the project seeks to create a concept of recycling ranging from food to include job opportunities and the re-use of surplus materials around us to create a continuous, healthy and developing society. The project is meant to target a specific geographical area as well as specific categories of individuals.

'Bamboo Adoption in Kenya' National Documentary

'Bamboo Adoption in Kenya' National Documentary

Moonlight Initiative is a youth lead sustainability and circular economy consultancy based n Kenya. We were funded last year by the International Bamboo and Rattan organization to create a national documentary on Bamboo adoption in Kenya. In the documentary, we cover different aspects of the Bamboo value chain in creating employment for Kenyans while at the same time mitigating the negative effects of climate change.

Feeding the Earth

Feeding the Earth

The Sustainable Development Goal 2 - Zero Hunger - was set in 2015 to tackle rising undernourishment. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated this challenge. Climate Change threatens food production and quality. WHYFARM, an NGO that uses creative methods to engage young people in agriculture, was founded in 2015 in Siparia, Trinidad and Tobago. It teaches traditional farming techniques that protect the environment and human health, and technologies that optimize production to establish careers in the field and promote food security.

Allons Y Au Sud de Mon Pays

Au sud de mon pays se trouve un endroit comme étant à contre cœur l'exemple parfaite des effets du changement climatique en raison de la dégradation de l'environnement. L'histoire raconte ma vécue pendant une mission humanitaire et environnementale d une triste réalité d une population entière vivant dans le sud de Madagascar en raison d une sécheresse sévère et de la difficulté de se ressourcer en eau mais également de la mal nutrition appelée également le "kere".

Protéger la Nature C’est Protéger Votre Propre Vie: L’Apiculture Comme Moyen de Substances Par Excellence

Protéger la Nature C’est Protéger Votre Propre Vie: L’Apiculture Comme Moyen de Substances Par Excellence

L'élevage des abeilles est ma vie. Suis Apiculteur depuis l'âge de 11 ans jusqu'à présent. Mon père biologique est un apiculteur aussi depuis 1974 jusqu'à présent. Étant promoteur et président du conseil d'administration du groupe Academia RDCongo. Depuis 2014 l'apiculture est l'une des nos activités entreprenarial principal, ensemble pour la protection des polunisateurs source de la biodiversité.

Et Si Dieu Nous Avait Abandonné ?

La région de l'Ouest Cameroun est une région agricole et très religieuse. étant d'origine de cette région j'ai grandi dans une communauté où on considérait la nature comme un don de DIEU d'où le nom de de la rivière situé près de la maison familiale qui veut dire rivière de DIEU mais avec le temps cette zone a connu les effets négatifs du changement climatique affectant les ressources en eau et l'agriculture affectant de ce la foi des membres de la communauté pensant que dieu nous a abandonné.

Adoptez Un Arbre, Pas Une Arme

Adoptez Un Arbre, Pas Une Arme

Notre histoire est une synthèse de notre programme de rapprochement et de résilience communautaire sur le lien entre l'action climatique et la construction de la paix dans une région instable comme la partie orientale de la RDCongo. Car, nous pensons que sans la paix, tous les efforts déployés pour le développement resteront sans succès dans la région de Grands-lacs.

Adoptez Un Arbre, Pas Une Arme (Copy)

Adoptez Un Arbre, Pas Une Arme (Copy)

Notre histoire est une synthèse de notre programme de rapprochement et de résilience communautaire sur le lien entre l'action climatique et la construction de la paix dans une région instable comme la partie orientale de la RDCongo. Car, nous pensons que sans la paix, tous les efforts déployés pour le développement resteront sans succès dans la région de Grands-lacs.