Promi Nahar
Former Role(s): North America Regional Director
Location: Canada
Pronouns: She/her
Languages: English, Bengali
Fun Fact: I’ve travelled to over 15 countries and I look forward to exploring more!
Born and raised in Canada and from a Bangladeshi background, Promi currently lives in the Greater Toronto Area region. In each professional position she pursues, Promi integrates her background in community advocacy and planning to create just communities and regions resilient to environmental challenges and change. She worked on projects such as engaging youth in political action around climate change, promoting awareness about food security issues, and supporting youth in the pandemic recovery. Her passion for creating positive social and environmental change expands towards volunteering activities such as being part of the Community Climate Council, a non-profit that advocates for local climate action through enhancing climate literacy and political advocacy in the community.
Promi holds a Bachelor of Environmental Studies, with a specialization in conservation, resource, and policy from York University as well as a Master of Environmental Sciences from the University of Guelph.
Promi is also part of a Canadian non-profit organization, GreenPAC, that works to amplify environmental leadership and government action on the environment. She is working on leading research and building an expert panel for potential endorsees, and promoting endorsees once selected. She has previously worked with the Canadian Environmental Network, a network of ENGOs and provincial environmental networks across Canada, where she supported collaboration amongst caucuses and members for environmental initiatives.