Gabs Baesse


Y4N Role: Global Ambassador
English, Portuguese, Spanish & French
Fun fact: Gabs had a beautiful brown donkey named Robervaldo when they were a child!

Gabs believes in fighting for the participation of people in the decision-making process and for solutions that commune with nature.

They hold a bachelor degree in International Relations and Public Policy Management. They also have a Master in Urban and Regional Studies and experience with education, activism and advocacy.

Gabs is also part of a NGO in Natal, Brazil, (Associação Potiguar Amigos da Natureza) and has been involved with urban activism and has been advocating for Active Mobility, Public transportation, the protection of oceans and forests, as well, for an urban planning based on nature, and that addresses inequalities and respects people’s self-determination.

They love to dance, sing and laugh and want to create a sense of community between youth in Abya Yala (Guna Yala word for America) and the Caribbean. Gabs is fluent in Portuguese and English, with advanced levels in Spanish and French.