Meet Habiba, she is a girl in Northern Nigeria, from a family of 5, her desire has been suppressed and limited, by her family and societal expectations. / Our today and every day relate with….
We Can Heal Nature
Through recognition of feminine qualities and values, we can start to create a different world, and by re-learning and re-thinking the meaning of peace and cooperation in relationships, with your girlfriend, mother, sister, neighbour; to start increasing woman potential and therefore human potential. Let us stop judging one another and start focusing on the need of nature, the planet and the call of the time.
de Nkolo Ayissi Victor Rodrigue
Je suis Monsieur NKOLO AYISSI Victor Rodrigue, née le 15 Septembre 1988 à NKOLFEP dans le Département de la LEKIE, Région du Centre Cameroun. Autodidacte, j'investis mes talents artistiques comme consultant dessinateur-illustrateur-bédéiste et innovateur dans des Institutions gouvernementales, Fondations et des ONG, dans le cadre des projets visant à sensibiliser et à soutenir les objectifs du développement durable(ODD). J’identifie également des opportunités là où les jeunes de mon âge ne voient que des obstacles et crises, raison pour laquelle j’ai décidé de dessiner et d’innover autrement en m’engageant pour la planète via le projet d’innovation (ABSORBER-CLEANER). Je compte à mes actives 13 années d’expérience atypique dans le domaine de l’Art et du design.
Environmental Activism and the Search for Inspiration
Hello, I am Salman from Iraq. I always believe that the strength of the presence of the two rivers in Iraq is from the Sumerian stretch from the far south of the marshes of Iraq towards the north of the Mesopotamian Valley. We pushed hard for everyone's right to have access to water. The right to the environment and water is one of the most prominent and most important rights that we believe in.
Simulizi ya Nzala
When Biking I Wear Pink
My Awakening
Adios, Maria Clara (Goodbye, Maria Clara)
Organic Farming and Agroforestry
There is a need for the community to move away from short term solutions with negative impacts on the environment, and instead embrace solutions that are from nature itself and nature friendly when it comes to agriculture. At The Polly Foundation, we are training farmers to adopt the use of natural products that they can easily access either at no cost or less cost to help them in farming.
Environmental Mentorship Program
NatureKit offers environmental leadership program to youths aged 15 to 25 on issues regarding climate change, plastic pollution, deforestation, wildlife conservation, environmental activism and conservation of endangered mammals. The mentored youth then offer environmental education and awareness to schools and communities.
La Vie est Belle
Accelerating Kenya's 10% Forest Cover by 2022
My story is about putting the people/community first in environmental conservation and management. The community needs to be provided with the requisite knowledge and tools to enhance tree seedlings production. This will make it possible for the country [Kenya] to attain its 10% forest cover by 2022. There are various initiatives we put in place to help us achieve the target.
Religion and Climate Science
Often religion and science are treated separately and people usually find it hard to buy any idea that is accelerated by the religion. This story is very different and climate ambitious. It best advocates for resolution of climate crisis as primary responsibility of human kinds that should be performed with collective human efforts and best intellectual capacity. Powered by religion and understood by science, this story is unique of its kind.