Takataka Attack (Waste Attack)

Name: Razik Aringo Agola

Age: 23

Country: Kenya

Takataka Attack (Waste Attack)


Takataka is a Swahili name meaning waste materials.

Takataka Attack is a clean up activity that involve cleaning environment from waste materials.


When I was young I used to see people collecting the littered waste materials and burning them especially non-biodegradable materials such as plastics and metals.I also did this but as I grew  up I learnt that burning these waste materials was harmful to environment and it causes pollution to both air and soil which is a threat to human,plants and animals lives.

One day I was thinking of how we as  youths we can protect our environment by preventing this, and I came up with Takataka Attack which involves Youths & kids in voluntary participation  in cleaning their environment without burning the waste materials, and can collect the wastes and recycle them into new state that they were or convert them to other materials. E.g Plastics like plastic bottles can be recycled into their original state or be used for other purposes e.g some plastics bottles can be recycled and be used in selling blended juice, in modelling it can be used in making creative wear designs, in construction of houses and it can also be used in decorations purposes for arts.

Target Groups

1.Youths  Teams






1.Create awareness among the youths and residents on the danger of burning of waste materials and the importance of recycling waste materials.

2.Form environmental clubs in schools,churches or communities.

3.Involve the organizations that deals with environment e.g UNEP, NEMA etc in this project.

4.Environmental clubs  formed to be involve in cleaning at least twice a week and be taught different skills in recycling waste products.

5.Communities/Towns to have a special days set for an environmental cleaning.

6.The Clubs to clean the surrounding environment to maintain cleanliness.

7.Introduction of dustbins for different waste materials to enable waste separations.

8.Creating awareness which focuses on the 7Rs which are:Recycle,Reduce,Reuse,Repair,Refuse,Refill and Rethink which will ensure sustainable development goals (SDGs vision 2030).

9.Adoption of Green Energy e.g Green Transport i.e by by encouraging people to walk to work or operation of bikes or move on rollers skates.This will significantly enhance low carbon emission.

 10. Organizing tree planting activities

Importance of Takataka Attack

1.Enhance clean environment.

2.Promote Peace & Unity.

3.A cure for unemployment.

4.Promote creativity & innovation.

5.Promote development and help youths realize their full potential in all spheres of life.


Youths have great potential and creativity that can help in addressing environmental challenges and its degradation and therefore if involve can bring a big change to environment.

Below are some pictures of youths of different teams from Siaya County, Kenya participating in Takataka Attack.