Environmental Education and Youth Advocacy

Dream to Reality: Together, We Are the Future

Dream to Reality: Together, We Are the Future

A young boy aiming to be that change in his community, I am Fontoh, Age 29 from Cameroon, Founder of Cepow Cameroon. 10 years ago, in our community forest, common activities practised were bush fires, deforestation, and Sand extraction. This forest was home to a lone water catchment supplying 10000 inhabitants. Pollution and defecation on water sources were predominant. I can remember at age 23, my peers always insulted me for going to study rocks and claiming to be involved in keeping a legacy for Mother Nature. This became worst when a close friend told me “Desmond: A guy who plants trees, what gains will you have? Your friends are in search of corporate jobs and you are here planting trees”. Today we have planted, 7500 trees, trained 400 kids, created 5 Eco Clubs, Pick-up 10000kg of plastics, and trained about 100 youths on forest conservation and plastic recycling.