Names: Sipho Mwanza (29), Philipa Mweemba (21), Adam Mtonga (29), Joyce Chungu, (26).
Country: Zambia
Choma is a small town located southern Province of Zambia and has now be made the provincial capital of the province. Choma is surrounded by farmers and the main activity for the locals is farming and charcoal burning. This has resulted in the rampart indiscriminate cutting down of trees either for charcoal or to clear out for new fields.
Despite CSOs and the forestry department warning the locals about the dangers of such vices the people have kept a blind eye and decided it was business as usual ignoring the warning and dangers has resulted in huge loss of forest reserve turning it into bare lands however this years unfolding events have proved that turning a blind eye will not go unpunished and for the first time in over 40 years the Choma dam has dried up. There has been poor harvest for a province known as the food basket for the country. As can be seen in pictures above of the dried up dam which has been a source of water for over 40 years, this has forced the water utility company to sink boreholes.