We connect young people with scientists, experts, and knowledge-holders to build a strong knowledge-base among young people globally. Our by-youth, for-youth knowledge-sharing creates space for young leaders to exchange information, ideas and hope, supporting a more diversified understanding of the nature-climate nexus.
Knowledge-sharing takes many forms. Find more about our podcast, blog, and events below.
بالنسبة للمناطق الصحراوية الشاسعة في غرب آسيا، فإن تخضير الصحراء هو الإجراء الأكثر شيوعًا لمكافحة أزمة المناخ، وخفض درجات الحرارة المحلية، وتحسين سبل العيش. على الرغم من أن هذا يمثل فرص من نواح كثيرة، إلا أن هناك أيضًا العديد من المخاوف بشأن زراعة الأشجار أحادية النوع وعلاقتها بالحلول المستندة على الطبيعة. ناقشت ضيفتنا أمل عنبر وريان في هذه الحلقة:
لماذا الصحارى موجودة -
معايير تخضير الصحراء لتتناسب مع NbS -
مخاوف الاستدامة من تخضير الصحراء -
النسبة للمناطق الصحراوية الشاسعة في غرب آسيا، فإن تخضير الصحراء هو الإجراء الأكثر شيوعًا لمكافحة أزمة المناخ، وخفض درجات الحرارة المحلية، وتحسين سبل العيش. على الرغم من أن هذا يمثل فرص من نواح كثيرة، إلا أن هناك أيضًا العديد من المخاوف بشأن زراعة الأشجار أحادية النوع وعلاقتها بالحلول المستندة على الطبيعة. ناقشت ضيفتنا أمل عنبر وريان في هذه الحلقة:
لماذا الصحارى موجودة -
معايير تخضير الصحراء لتتناسب مع NbS -
مخاوف الاستدامة من تخضير الصحراء -
The Palestinian struggle is at the center of all colonization projects and climate injustices happening in West Asia. Colonization forcefully removes land rights from Indigenous communities, deprives them from natural resources, and destroys Indigenous biodiversity and cultural connection with nature, all while purposefully polluting and harming nature and the climate. Listen to our third and final episode of this series of #TheAjyalPodcast to hear youth perspectives on the intersection of Palestinian rights and climate action.
Have you ever considered the difficulty and challenges that youth face in West Asia to push for climate justice? Tune in and hear what our youth guests Ala and Lama have to say about militarization and climate movements in Syria and Yemen. Learn more about this episode here!
Knowledge-Sharing on the Blog:
At UNCBD COP16 in Colombia, we collaborated with Kenya Youth Biodiversity Network to bring together youth from around the world to explore the opportunities and concerns of integrating nature-based solutions into updated NBSAPs. Read on to find a summary of these youth perspectives!
This blog post provides an overview of the impact of COVID-19 on youth in agribusiness in Zimbabwe. It highlights key findings and offers insights from 5 government-led relief initiatives, and suggests potential solutions to not only rebuild youth leadership in agribusiness in the country, but to support sustainable practices for climate and biodiversity as well.
We need and only need nature-based solutions that truly put people and nature in focus. Ahead of UNCBD COP16, UNFCCC COP29, and UNCCD COP16, find out where we are feeling optimistic and where we see concern for NbS as it continues to take centre stage with states and decision makers, the private sector, and civil society.
We need to drop fossil fuels asap! But wait? What would happen to the livelihoods and economies that have depended on this for so long? How fast can they adapt to the change? What about those that are importing fossil fuels? Are they responsible as well? Tune in to this episode to hear what Neeshad and Rayan have to say about the supply and demand of fossil fuels and its relation to climate justice in West Asia and beyond.