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#9thForestCongress Virtual Workshop: Stewardship of Nonfederal Forestlands

📅 March 20 @ 11:30AM EST

The Steering Committee is hosting Pathway Workshops to develop the content for consideration at the Congress in July. These workshops are vital as key building blocks to shape the Congress agenda and resolutions.

The Committee seeks participants with expertise or influence in forestry and related fields; representation from all geographic regions; multiple sectors (e.g., industry, government, science, Tribal representation, NGOs) for well-rounded discussions; youth and emerging leaders; and new voices offering fresh perspectives and diverse viewpoints.

Workshop attendees will: 

1. Discuss what’s currently working well in the field 
2. Examine the challenges we need to address 
3. Identify the innovations, partnerships, and capacity needed to take advantage of opportunities while overcoming obstacles 

Don’t miss the opportunity to share your insights and contributions!