“I am passionate about restoring Lake Victoria, and helping man learn to live in harmony with Nature”
On the shores of Lake Victoria, Michelle and her younger brother Jeremy set out to co-found Bring Back the L.Victoria. With a vision to restore the lake to it’s pristine condition, Bring Back L.Victoria started as a campaign to rid the lake ecosystem of plastic waste and to create a thriving haven for biodiversity and communities once again.
On our April edition of the #Y4NSpotlightSeries, we hosted a lively Instagram session with the duo, who passionately shared about their work and activities with Bring Back L.Victoria, as well as their plans for the future. Catch the conversation here.
In her own words, Michelle says,” I am passionate about restoring L.Victoria, and helping man learn to live in harmony with Nature”. Today, part of their pragmatic approach is to collect data about the plastic pollution and management in the area, which they hope to use to develop informed action plans, measure progress and create the desired solutions together with the local communities. Jeremy on his part is working to link conservation to technology, by developing an app that their campaign will use to track and upload data on plastic.
We will definitely be checking back in with this team when the app launches, hopefully January of 2022. You can also hear updates about their work at the East African Youth Summit, take place on July 24th 2021.
Want to learn more about their work? Have questions or interested in partnering? Connect with and follow Michelle, Jeremy and Bring Back L.Victoria (which will soon have new content about their campaign) on Instagram!