The Madrid Update | Our UNFCCC COP25 Events

Youth4Nature is proud to announce that we are sending a global delegation of youth to attend the 25th Conference of the Parties (COP25), under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change from December 2-13 in Madrid, Spain.

Our mission is to ensure that youth are able to co-design their own future with nature; there is no 1.5°C without youth, there is no 1.5°C without nature.

Our message is simple: in the search for solutions to the climate crisis, political leaders cannot forget young people, they cannot forget frontline and marginalized communities, and they cannot forget nature.

As the youth movement for climate and nature grows, the leadership of young people will no doubt be emphasized in many panels, side-events, and negotiation tables. It is critical that youth voices are included and amplified at COP25, to put pressure on policy-makers and to hold decision-makers accountable for our shared future.

In line with this importance of youth engagement, we are thrilled to announce the following official side-events to be held by Youth4Nature at the 15th Conference of Youth and COP25:

For an overview of our COP25 strategy and delegate biographies, please click here.

For resources on COP and where Nature-Based Solutions stand, please see our “COP 101” document and our COP25 webinar series featuring representatives from Conservation International, 4SD, International Union for Conservation of Nature and more.

To get real-time updates on our programming in Madrid, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.