
Food Systems as a Solution for Our Ecological Crisis: A Collaboration Between “The Farmers I Know” and Youth4Nature

Food Systems as a Solution for Our Ecological Crisis: A Collaboration Between “The Farmers I Know” and Youth4Nature

So far, it seems like the food system and nature are at odds, but producing food doesn’t have to be a climate change driver–or something that causes or accelerates climate change. Regenerative agriculture can be part of the solution to climate change. Learn how by clicking on our blog post!



That’s a wrap! 2021 has been a long yet fulfilling year for our community. While these stories bring us from mountains to deserts to coasts, they carry the complexity of raising deep concern, while also showcasing the beautiful landscapes and resilience in Afrika and its people. As you enjoy our December #PhotoChallenge, may it help you reflect on your 2021 journey and intentionally plan into the coming year!