Towards Intergenerational Equity: Youth-led Action for Biodiversity at the CBD COP15

In order to achieve a vision of living in harmony with nature by 2050, the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) adopted decisions aimed at guiding biodiversity policies toward four overarching goals and 23 targets to be achieved by 2030. Youth movements are asking that the Framework is implemented in accordance with the principle of intergenerational equity.

This means:

  • meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs,

  • as well as ensuring that younger generations are engaged in decision-making processes at all levels

Our generation has witnessed the historic movement for youth engagement in biodiversity, but not without struggle. Oftentimes, we hear of youth engagement, but little is done to showcase or support the strength, ambition, and actions of young people within those spaces that have produced the outcomes we see. Through our dedication, skill sets and domain knowledge, youth can play a valuable role in facilitating the implementation of the GBF as they have played in creating it.

One of our objectives as a youth-led organization at CBD COP15 was to build and stand in solidarity with other youth networks.

About this short interview series:

We filmed this short interview series with the youth representatives of the Global Biodiversity Youth Network to highlight youth representation at COP15 from around the world who were present on the ground during CBD COP15. Additionally, this video series provides insight into how youth perceive the CBD space, including the processes, negotiations and outcomes from CBD COP15, thus amplifying solidarity towards youth who are leading in the biodiversity agenda.

Xiomara Acevedo

Derick Mughisha

Alli Pylkkö

Jackem Edwine Otete

Lou Collin

Jack Hancock

Arisa Kikkawa

Alejandra Quiguantar