Operating as a global programme, our storytelling work takes place through the Arboreal Regeneration Framework (‘Arboreal Regen’): an original model of programme design inspired by the process of natural tree (re)generation. To this end, the Storytelling Programme has six interlinked and sequential components, each representing tree growth stages:
Ultimately, all this work is communicated through story-based mediums in-person and online, reaching and inspiring new youth to follow the steps of established storytellers by also engaging in the programme’s growth process. This way, our Storytelling pillar becomes self-reproductive, just like trees expand into forests through regeneration!
THE theory of change in a nutshell
Tentative visual for Youth4Nature’s Storytelling Programme Theory of Change, to be updated soon.
With ongoing loss, contested agendas and un(der)funded commitments, the struggle for climate and nature is reaching its climax. Science tells us that we are in a crucial decade to enact urgent, system-wide and equitable transformations to safeguard ecosystems and their living communities. Yet, there is still a dominant narrative that 1) sensationalises the problem, 2) is delayist and reactive, 3) privileges siloed technical fixes over systemic structural approaches, and 4) disregards social justice and well-being.
Although discouraged by exclusionary governance structures, youth are leading in challenging that narrative. Through mobilisations at all levels and scales, we are sustaining a delicate green momentum, holding decision-makers & polluters accountable, and sensitising communities. We refuse to cave into fatalism: hope remains if the action occurs with the urgency needed. That's the story we want to tell at Y4N. Because there is power in narrative.
A tool, a tradition, an art form, used for generations around the world: the telling of stories makes us whole.
Within our long-term mission, storytelling is a means to an end, not the end itself. It is a multifaceted skill and tool that young climate and nature leaders use to reflect on their experiences and actions, communicate their concerns and solutions, record their journeys and learnings, and showcase their projects and expertise. Our stories become powerful devices and examples of the understanding, change, and mobilisation needed to tackle the twin crises through thinking and solutions that work with, and not against, nature.
Tentative visual for Youth4Nature Storytelling Programme’s results chain, to be updated soon.
While there is value in just collecting and amplifying these stories, also providing a sense of purpose, connection, resources and skills to young storytellers opens the door for access to established networks, a supportive community and a well-used platform. This access can lead to growth and opportunities for more impactful locally-led climate-nature solutions, resulting in learnings and case studies communicated through story-based mediums.
Most importantly, the learnings and case studies can act as the evidence base and movement-building devices for youth to inspire others and to shape decision-making and financing processes. Y4N sees itself as a piece of the puzzle to make broader systems change happen, and we use storytelling to meet three specific pre-conditions for global transformation:
GOAL 1: Bringing together climate, biodiversity and social (wellbeing & justice) action in national and international agendas, programmes and projects through holistic thinking and solutions.
GOAL 2: Establishing a hopeful, solutions-oriented and pluriversal narrative on the twin crises in tune with people’s everyday lives, empowering them to be driven, ambitious, and active environmental citizens.
GOAL 3: Shifting traditional high-level decision-making and design of climate/biodiversity (related) policies and finance into more participatory and accessible processes to redistribute implementation power and resources to youth & communities (incl. local public institutions and local civil society organisations).
2020-2023 STRATEGY: Scaled Up Storytelling for Scaled Up Change
A year after the founding of Y4N we created the first strategy for our Storytelling Pillar: Scaled Up Storytelling for Scaled Up Change. Kick-started in mid-2020 by a newly hired Storytelling Director, the strategy aims to build on the success of the first Storytelling project at Y4N, the ‘Raise Your Voice’ Campaign.
In harmony with Youth4Nature's organisational "Grow Deep" 2022-2023 strategy, the overarching objective of the Scaled Up strategy is building a strong base for the six identified components of the Storytelling Programme: the Ground-Up Storycrafting Lab, the Storytelling Campaign, the Glocal Climate-Nature Storymap, the Global Storyteller Community, the Storymaking Microgrants and the Storybook Changemakers.
The programme is being built based on the Arboreal Regen Framework: embodying the actions and deep-rooted change we aim to foster (i.e. nature regeneration & sustainability) by nurturing young impact-driven storytellers who can inspire other youth to follow their steps and also scale up their voice/work.
The expected result from the planned 2020-2023 work includes widening and transforming our storytelling platform to enable more youth to make better use of it, going from simply elevating youth voices to actively nurturing, strengthening and supporting youth voices and action in local communities.
Report coming soon!