Glocal Climate-Nature Storymap

Our Glocal* Climate-Nature Storymap - known as 🌿branches in our Arboreal Framework - is an interactive digital multimedia platform created to showcase young people's personal, compelling and local narratives on the climate and/or biodiversity crises.

This map is many things. It is, of course, a platform to showcase diverse youth stories from across the globe. It highlights the thinking and solutions of young community leaders, campaigners, artists, researchers, experts, activists, and professionals across the global climate-nature movement.

Additionally, this map is a search tool that you - and everyone - are invited to use to seek out stories about specific ecosystems or challenges, to look for regional case studies, or to find stories in certain languages or mediums. This Storymap is a place for knowledge exchange, inspiration, and hope. This Storymap is a tool for change.


*Glocal = global + local