
The Role of Communities in Conserving Protected Areas

The Role of Communities in Conserving Protected Areas

My story is on how I became and environmentalist. Human actions damage it, and how individuals can help. The essay focuses on individuals because while I and you may not be able to influence international commitments or government actions, we can change our attitudes toward our environment, which spreads to those around us, and I am confident that if over 7 billion people do the same, we will achieve our goal of saving the planet Earth.

Conservation as Reimagination: Navigating Pansipit River

Conservation as Reimagination: Navigating Pansipit River

Some conversations and act upon musings on development, forgetfulness and reclaiming of a freshwater river called Pansipit.

The Fight for Carpenter Park

"Every season presented a different challenge. In the summer, I removed the endless tendrils of porcelain berry from the shade of the trees, while in the winter, removing the wisteria before the weather started getting warm again was the goal. To adapt, my eyes became alert to the most elusive invading plants, sneaking up in the brush, while my hands became more adept with the tools."