
Una gota rueda sobre el hielo y cuelga sobre el vacío

Una gota rueda sobre el hielo y cuelga sobre el vacío

En América Latina, aparte de los famosos gigantes de hielo en la cordillera de los Andes al sur del continente también tenemos glaciares en zonas menos esperadas: los trópicos. Colombia tiene 6 glaciares, México tiene 3 y Venezuela tiene 1. Gracias a ellos tenemos agua fluyendo de las montañas a los campos agrícolas y a las ciudades…

5 ways youth in Europe can combat climate change: the Spring of Hope

5 ways youth in Europe can combat climate change: the Spring of Hope

Youth is facing many barriers to meaningful engagement with climate and nature. The Spring of Hope campaign aimed at showing that climate action is for everyone.

From green entrepreneurship, to listening the sounds of nature, these tips will help youth in Europe learn how to engage further with climate and how to protect biodiversity.

Young, Leading and Inspiring

Young, Leading and Inspiring

On the shores of Lake Victoria, Michelle and her younger brother Jeremy set out to co-found Bring Back the L.Victoria. With a vision to restore the lake to it’s pristine condition, Bring Back L.Victoria started as a campaign to rid the lake ecosystem of plastic waste and to create a thriving haven for biodiversity and communities once again. On our April edition of the #Y4NSpotlightSeries, we hosted a

The Yemeni Society: Neglecting the Oil Spill or Neglecting the Environment?

The Yemeni Society: Neglecting the Oil Spill or Neglecting the Environment?

Beside the current humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen, Yemeni society also faces a serious environmental issue concerning the SAFER Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO) which is located approximately 4.8 nautical miles off the country’s coast. It contains nearly 1.14m barrels of crude oil and the lack of maintenance is creating the conditions for the most damaging ecological disaster in the region and the world, with the potential to quadruple the amount of oil spilled during…

Venezuela: Concrete Beaches in Oil Seas | Venezuela: Playas de Concreto en Mares de Petróleo

Venezuela: Concrete Beaches in Oil Seas | Venezuela: Playas de Concreto en Mares de Petróleo

The ecological footprint of being called the “Country with the largest oil reserves in the world”, is still present on the coasts. More than half a century of oil production has given Venezuela great economic wealth at the cost of environmental degradation. Due to it’s geo-strategic location…

Examples of communities reliant on forest ecosystems

Examples of communities reliant on forest ecosystems

Dive in as we share some regional examples of communities living adjacent to forests as well as stories from youth who work with forest and forest-communities around the world!

The role of forests in enhancing sustainable conservation and utilisation of wildlife resources

The role of forests in enhancing sustainable conservation and utilisation of wildlife resources

Forests are among the most complex ecosystems in the world, supporting many layers of life, from canopies, to undergrowth, to the microbial life at the bottom floor of the forests. Additionally, forests have strong historical, social and cultural attachments, developed over centuries, for adjacent communities.

Juventudes Líderes en Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza para la Adaptación

Juventudes Líderes en Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza para la Adaptación

Previo a la Cumbre de Adaptación Global, la Red Global de Jóvenes por la Biodiversidad - Capítulo México en conjunto con Youth4Nature, con el apoyo del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Cambio Climático de Canada (ECCC) y el Programa de Acción de Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza (NBS) de la Comisión Global de Adaptación, organizaron un evento para discutir las oportunidades y desafíos en la ampliación de la implementación de NBS y EBA (adaptación basada en ecosistemas).

The Double-Edged Nature of Land: A Practical Analysis of the IPCC's Special Report on Climate Change and Land

The Double-Edged Nature of Land:  A Practical Analysis of the IPCC's Special Report on Climate Change and Land

“[…] the IPCC’s SRCCL shines light on interlinked global challenges like climate adaptation and mitigation, desertification, land degradation and food security, whilst suggesting land-related actions/NBS that can mutually benefit all these areas. Whilst much of the current discussion misguidedly focuses on singular individual lifestyle changes, just like with the Special Report on 1.5C, we urgently need large-scale and context-dependent action that is participatory, inclusive, multi-sectoral, and actively considers ecological, social, economic, cultural and institutional factors.”